Saturday, November 18, 2017

When The Season Ends

As a coach's wife, this for me is the dreaded time of the year, when the season ends.  Only 1 team in our class, will end with a win, the rest end our seasons on a loss unless you don't make the play-offs but win your last game.  So the majority of us, end the season wishing for more no matter how good or bad the season went.  So what happens "When the Season Ends" for me as a coach's wife?  
  • When the season ends there is sadness.  It is not uncommon for me to feel extremely down for several weeks.  The most common reasons for this sadness is disappointment for not reaching our goal, knowing it's the seniors last game, and the uncertainty of our future.
  • When the season end there is an abrupt stop.  For months, we keep up insane schedules and go, go, go and then it just stops.  This year I coordinated and/or cooked 30 meals for team/coaches over 12 weeks. I did this while taking care of everything at home and making it to our own kids softball, basketball and football games.  
  • When the season ends there is frayed nerves.  No matter what your record is there is always someone who complains about the coach and of course I hear it or see it on social media.  There's not much I can do about any of it but it gets on my nerves tremendously! Top it off with being tired and you have some frayed nerves.
  • When the season ends there is exhaustion.  As soon as it comes to an abrupt stop, slowing down brings upon an exhaustion that is like no other.  Coupled with the sadness, it can be borderline depression. 
  • When the season ends there is re-adjustment.  For months my husband hasn't been home, hasn't been able to help out around the house, or attend all of the kids games or spend much quality time together and at the sound of a buzzer, all that changes.  He is now home, exhausted, has his own frayed nerves and he feels a need to get re-adjusted to all of this too!  When the season is over, we don't automatically go to normal.  It's very hard to ease in to the life we had before the season.
  • When the season ends there is worry.  Will you be back next season?  What does next season look like? This part sticks with you all year but right after the season worry hits his peak no matter what your record is! 
  • When the season ends there is excitement.  Yes you read this right.  In the sadness, and the exhaustion their is a little excitement about getting my best friend back.  About my own kids, having their dad's full attention. The possibility of a long over-due date night.  Family meals together again!  Attending a real church rather than doing church online!  
I don't think others outside the coaching family realize how hard all of this can be on the coach and the family.  It's our life.  It's not just a job or a game.  We didn't wake up this morning and just get on with life.  It's a long process!