Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Christmas Poem

A Christmas Poem
by Kim Stone

Jesus didn't have a glamorous way of coming to save our life
I’m sure it was a shock to be in a barn for Joseph and his wife.
I mean here they had been told the savior would be born unto them
Then I’m sure Joseph felt like a complete failure not getting  them into the inn
Jesus came into this world by being birthed in an animal shed
He was placed in a manager to be used as his bed
I’m sure God’s plan was not what they had wanted or thought they deserved
If anyone deserved a great entry to the world, it was the one that Mary had birthed
The strain of being the chosen one to be Jesus’s mother
Also came with the question of will “Joseph still love her”
Her story was incredible to say the least
Not many would believe her not even most preists
So she had to go through the pain of telling Joseph about the child
I can only imagine that his reaction was just a bit overboard and wild
But then an angel appeared to him and began to tell him the exact same story
Then he knew he’d better grow up to be the earthly father of the man of Glory
But 9 months later they found themselves among the hay
Staring in a manger at Jesus where he lay
It wasn't the greatest of situations for the Son of God to be born
But there’s a lesson here for us all that we must not scorn

On this day that Jesus was born it is now known as  what we call  Christmas Day
It wasn't about  being in a nice inn it was about the presence of Jesus where he lay
It wasn't about having the best circumstances
It was about experiencing the love of his presence.
It wasn't about being comfortable as much as it was about feeling pure joy
As they imagined a wonderful life for the son of God also known as their little boy

But soon if the humble beginnings of Jesus was not sign enough
They would be shown again, his life would be more than rough
Evil found out about God’s wonderful plan
And evil sought out a truly awful man
King Herod obliged with a plan against Jesus to seek and destroy
He would not allow a child, a baby, the Messiah to bring this world joy
But God did not allow Jesus to be put in harms way
He did not allow evil to have the final say

Jesus’s family  knew who this young boy would be
But raised him just as a part of the family
Of course there were signs and as he grew up it was undeniable
That the angels spoke truth and proved to be reliable
And as Jesus began his ministry when his mother asked him to turn water into wine
I doubted she realized her request started the process of God’s plan so divine
That her request so simple would be the start of miracles and revealing her son’s identity
But also starting the intense hate, pain, and betrayal of her son the deity.

Jesus deserved more respect, love and riches more than anyone on this Earth
But instead he was ridiculed, hated,  and lacked money since the day of his Birth
So the question I ask is simple but yet so profound to others and to me
Why do we feel we are entitled to a life without pain and without uncertainty
You see Jesus was the only perfect man who walked among us
But even he couldn't escape pain,  drama and all the ruckus
So as we stand as Christians and ask why do bad things happen to me?
Look at the cross, the pain experienced gave way to love that had to be
Jesus had no sin but was treated worse than a sinner
So in our sin, he died for it to make us an ultimate winner
But the prize is not here for us on Earth to see
It will come after we live a life for Him completely
It means to follow Jesus, on this Earth we will also be tried
And at times we will go through times of being unjustly denied
But our hearts know the peace and comfort Joseph and Mary had the day Jesus was born in that shed
 And with that we can face all circumstances with joy in our heart through all the paths we tread
Then on that glorious day when we meet Jesus in heaven above
The pain will melt away and give way to His perfect love

So please don’t get discouraged when things don’t feel that they are going right
Jesus walked through it all and now walks with us and is our leading light
There is something more valuable than having it all
Don’t believe me than please read the scriptures of Paul
He knew the meaning of following God and finding pure joy
He also knew what it was like to seek and destroy
He had lived a life on both sides of the fence
Until he found God and it all made sense
So please look deeper to see Jesus’s entire life this Christmas season
For the problems you question you may just find out His reason
But even if you still can’t see God’s plan working through your pain
I hope you at least see your sins are blotted out and no longer leave a stain
Find Jesus and open your heart to his truths and love
Then in time you’ll find your answers from above.
So this Christmas season I hope you find joy in even the worst of circumstances
And come to find there is more than just family, food, gifts and presents
I pray you find His perfect peace and His joy in your heart
And I wish this to carry you through the New Year that’s about to start.

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!