Sunday, November 13, 2011

Spiritual Warfare

Ephesians 6:10-11 Be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.

Today was just like any other day for us.  Meaning we are under attack.  Spiritually we are in war and have been engulfed in a huge war ever since we decided to come here.  Why is it that everything has been difficult every step of the way?  Is it because this isn't where we are supposed to be?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  The trials, the problems, the discouragement, are all here because we ARE where we need to be!  God has a great plan for us here and although we don't know the details of it, it really has to be something special for the spiritual enemy to be attacking us.  You see often times when you are on the right path, everything will go wrong because the spiritual enemy wants to cause you to make a detour or slow you down with a "flat tire" to keep you from going where God wants you to go.  Not all things going wrong is a sign you are doing wrong it often is a sign you are doing some things right!  So blessed we were able to hear a sermon on this not long ago. 

But today was just another attempt in this war to keep us from where God wanted us to go.  You see Chad was to speak at church this morning and he left early to get there to prepare for it.  The kids and I left the house quite a bit later but when we left we experienced a really FLAT tire.  I pulled the car into a parking lot and called Chad who of course did not have his cell phone on since he was already in church!  I looked through my contacts and realized I don't have numbers of folks here in Altus that I could call and get a ride. I prayed for God to help us and I knew what we were to do.  So I told the kids to get out of the van and that we were going to walk to church!  I told them that at 10:00am Chad would realize we weren't there and he'd call us but that we could do our best to get there on our own. 

The road has no shoulder so we walked in the grass.  Lindsay immediately began to fear that there might be snakes in the grass.  Lance said "God won't allow a snake to bite us we are trying to walk to church!"  and then shortly after that Lance said "I sure am tired of walking." and Lindsay said "I am sure God will provide us a ride to church."  And sure enough a few steps later a very nice woman we have never met before,  heading to a different church offered to give us a ride to our church.  We were so happy to see "Sandy" and gladly accepted the ride.  We arrived at church just a tad bit early. 

You see our spiritual enemy tried to use the flat to deflate us from getting to church.  He tried to get me angry that Chad wasn't answering his phone.  He tried to make it a distraction to us but God told me to get the kids and start walking.  Because we started walking, we got a ride, and because we got a ride we were early not late to church, and because we were early we weren't a distraction to Chad who was about to deliver a message about staying on the right path even when there's all kinds of obstacles keeping you from doing it! 

So this morning, we were under attack but God led us to victory just as he has done several times over.  There are some battles we are going through right now where we are just right in the middle of them but I believe God will show us victory in those things too!  Don't be deceived! If you know you are where God wants you to be then just hold on tight!  Difficulties may be headed your way but don't be discouraged! Keep going where God is leading!   If you aren't sure you are where God wants you to be and you are going through difficulties, you better ask Him if your troubles are coming because you are doing right or if your troubles are coming to get your attention because things aren't going the way they should. 

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