Monday, September 5, 2011

Send me a Sign

Isaiah 7:11 "Ask the Lord your God for a sign of confirmation,. . .Make it as difficult as you want- as high as heaven or as deep as the place of the dead."

A lot of times I have asked God for a "real sign".  I don't mean a sign in turns of miraculous ones or in wow this could only be from God type of signs.  I've seen those and experienced them.  In the moment you believe it and take to it and know it was from God but sometimes when the moment is gone and things are getting hard you doubt if it were a sign at all!  What I've been discussing with God the last several years is why he can't make things as obvious as "street signs"!  Street signs are pretty clear on when you need to STOP and YIELD.  Street Signs are pretty clear when you are going "WRONG WAY" and when you need to go "ONE WAY ONLY" and they let you know when you need to take an exit with your destination clearly marked on the Exit sign!  They let you know when  a U-Turn is permitted and when it is not! Street Signs are always there and if you ever had a doubt that maybe the wasn't the "ONE WAY ONLY" you can always go back and find the sign that says it is! 

A few months ago when we were moving, the kids set in the backseat crying!  Although I had prayed for only the right door to open for Chad a head coaching job and had believed at the time it was the right move to make, in the moment going down the interstate doubt sank in!  The "what ifs" came in and the biggest one was "what if" this was a big mistake?"  Our house sold for way less than expected, problems at the new job were greater than expected, my job was going to be a long commute everyday, it was difficult to rent the house before closing, it was hard to see the kids so upset about moving and it seemed like nothing was going smoothly like you'd expect if you were going the right way!  I imagined it was like we were going down the wrong side of the road, having to dodge the obstacles in our way but we were sure we were doing the right thing even though it was clear we might be the one going the wrong direction!

Doubt had overtaken me!  I was ready to U-turn and go back but I realized there were no U-turns permitted, both of us have resigned from our jobs there and we had sold our house. No U-turns were permitted at this point!  I drove the van just thinking about how it sure would be nice to see a sign we were going the right direction!  God just pop one up after this last toll that says "Stone Promised Land 115 miles" or anything that I would know means we are going the right direction!  I drove many more miles hoping we were doing the right thing and then a sign that I have probably seen countless times but never paid attention to came into view.  I had my phone in my hand and just barely caught this picture of it. 
Yes that sign says Cache/Altus Exit 1 mile!  I know that sign has probably been there for many many years and it doesn't say "Stone Promised Land Exit 1 mile" but it does say exactly where a few months ago I felt God leading us to go and then in a "drive of doubt" when I asked for a "street sign" so that it would be perfectly clear, not only did I see the sign I've ignored countless times but God allowed me to get this quick shot of it as a "sign" of confirmation!

I'll be the first to admit that I was not at all looking forward to the commute I would have from Altus to Cache.  Part of me so dreaded the start of the school year and part of me was upset that God did not provide a job for me in Altus.  However, I have found that I truly love my job.  It's not always easy as teaching rarely is always smooth but I enjoy it more than I ever thought possible!  I understand now that this commute was for my best interest.  It wasn't a punishment.  It is exactly where I need to be right now!

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