Wednesday, June 30, 2010

God’s Hand Prints

hand print colors

We hear about God’s footprints especially in the sand but don’t hear as much about God’s hand prints being all over everything.  I like to think that God’s hand prints are so much over our life that we couldn’t make them out.  It would just be solid with prints on top of prints making a “depth of his touch” all around us.

I’ve been doing some thinking  about how God has touched my life.  I’m visibly going back to see His prints on my life.  Things I didn’t understand when they were happening, were the very thing that lead me to my calling.  God purposely nailed doors shut, boarded up windows, and wouldn’t allow things I wanted to happen.  At the time, I didn’t see God touching any of it.  I felt like he was ignoring the desires He had put into my heart!  But now I see his prints were everywhere! 

His prints were all over my heart break when last year I didn’t get a job I had so wanted and out of the blue at the park  in Edmond while playing football with my son, I meet the man who got the job in OKC that I was so wanting!  I thought God was being cruel because this clearly wasn’t a coincidence meeting him but seeing how this father really needed that job to support his family, God used that to humble me to see it’s not all about me!

God’s prints were all over every financial crisis I thought was looming over us this past year but each time God had a plan to get us through!  When we thought of the expenses it would take to get my mother-in-law into an apartment, friends and family came through with furniture, washer/dryer, and food.  When it looked like we would be cutting it close some months, an unexpected check or refund would come in the mail.  When I thought my unemployment would run out, it was extended!  God’s prints made a solid covering of “green”  over all of our finances!

And God’s prints where all over me getting a teaching job this year!  With budget cuts in education, the principal didn’t even expect to be able to fill the teaching position but God made sure it happened!   Nervous about my interview and not having been in a marketing book  in  years, I sought out God the weekend before the interview and just prayed that He would direct me to what I needed to know.  Before the interview, I just prayed He’d give me the words to say.  The exercise I was given was over the topics I had studied.  Every question given, I had a good answer!  When I got the call that I had gotten the job, its as if I could feel  God’s prints all over my life. They were so thick they enveloped me like a warm blanket and brought so much joy to know He was always there even when I had doubted if he really was there!

1 comment:

  1. Your speaking right to me today! I needed this because I am there! Thank you. I truly love your blog (even when I don't comment) ... you speak in the perfect way and lay things out clearly before me! Keep it up and I can't wait to see where this school year takes you.
