Thursday, May 6, 2010

God Bless or God “B” less

God bless
    Each day we make a statement as to what we want from this life.  The statement may not be uttered by our words but it is in our actions or lack of actions that speak our statement.  We either are asking for “God to Bless” us in our life or we are asking for “God to “B”less” in our life.  Each day the sum of what we do, how we spend our time, what we desire, what we are thinking and how we handle ourselves in the day, sums up to that we either actively sought God’s blessing or we actively sought God’s lessening grip on our lives.
What I mean is that through the day if our thoughts and  actions are not focused on what God would have us to do then we are deliberately turning away from his blessings and we are making Him be less in our lives than we openly want to admit.  The balance of the scales as to whether God blesses you or becomes less in you, doesn’t really lie in going to church, serving, tithing, having quiet time and praying, it lies within the motivation that is behind those acts that only you and God know.  I have at times been a check box Christian who does nothing more than do things to check off my Christian list.  Church (check), Bible Study (check), Prayer time (check) Serving (check), Tithing (check), Quiet Time (check). There might be some residue behind from checking off my Christian chore list but for the most part I would spend the rest of my time doing what I wanted and thinking about what I wanted.    The balance really lies with what you are thinking about and the actions you take in the summation of each day!  It’s great to do the things on the Christian Chore list but it means little if you are doing it to merely keep appearances or merely doing it because that’s what a Christian is supposed to do.
The only difference between God Bless and God B  less is just a tiny space but that distance changes its entire meaning!  The distance you have from looking like a Christian and being a Christian is in that gap. Here are some examples:
  •   For God to Bless, His word has to be more than words on a page.  They have to be words of life to you and your soul.  For God to “B” less, don’t even bother reading His word or if you do let it just be words you rush through to get it done.
  • For God to Bless, God is on your mind in each situation and in each moment of the day.  You throw up little prayers throughout the day.  You talk with Him about everything as it is happening and ask for guidance right then!  For God to “B”  less, don’t pray at all, or if you do,  pray over your meals a generic prayer and pray before you go to bed.
  • For God to Bless, church is not something you drag yourself to do.  It is something you can’t wait to get too.  You can’t wait to sing and to hear the word of God.  Then throughout the week you meditate on what you heard.  You look for more scriptures about it.  You are earnestly looking to be fed more.  For God to “B”  less, whine and complain about going to church or skip it.  If you do go then don’t participate.  Listen and feel like you got your fill for the week and  hide your mal- nourished anorexic soul.
  • For God to bless, the tithe is not enough.  God doesn’t want 1/10 of  anything,  he wants it all!  Commit all your finances to God just as you commit all of yourself to Him.  He will call you to be generous beyond 1/10.  For God to “B” less, don’t tithe and don’t be generous to others.  Or if you do tithe, get into the mindset that 1/10 is enough and not open the 90% up to God. 
  • For God to bless, reserve quiet time where it’s just you and God and no other noise.  Be still and just listen, other times you might just be still and pray, or be still and read in His word.  For God to “B” less, don’t have quiet time with Him.  Always have background noise and distractions around to keep that time occupied with other things.
  • For God to bless, serve whenever and where ever you can.  Your church doesn’t have to set up a mission trip for you to go down and feed the homeless, or to donate items for those in need.  You don’t just serve in church and be done for the week.  Each day you look to find someone at a store, at work, at home or where ever you are to serve them in some capacity.  For God to “B” less, be too busy to help out anyone else or if you feel like you have to do the bare minimum then go and serve for an hour at church and let that be it! 
  • For God to bless our home, He has to be the center of our home and the focus of our attention.  He has to be the talk of the house with parents using biblical principals to teach the children and the children hungry for more spiritual food!   For God to “B” less, all we have to do is let our busy lives take us over and ignore Him. 
Each day we have a choice Allow God to Bless or Allow God to “B” Less!

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