Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Path Part 2


0_1[2]  Isaiah 49:10 “. . .For the Lord in his mercy will lead them; he will lead them beside cool waters.”


On the first post “The Path”, the path was taking a blind turn.  It had been easy up to this point to trust God on my walk with Him but now as it was making a turn around a bend and I could not see what would lie ahead, my faith began to falter.  I could go on and trust in the God that had brought me through so much, I could stall out and reflect on how far I have come in my journey with God and quit all growth with Him, or I could retreat back where little was expected of me.

  As I let go of my insecurity, as I began to reflect on my hurts and pains, I knew I didn’t want to walk back through all of that and re-live it again!  I knew my time sitting here and not moving forward was also of no more use to me.  So as I took God’s hand and he helped me up, I did not feel weighed down by my past or my present.  I felt hope! This photo is exactly where the bend took me when I decided I was going to faithfully, hand in hand with God, make the blind corner.  It led me "beside the cool waters” on this awesome rainy Spring day!  The path before the turn was not nearly this vibrant and beautiful.  Maybe it was in God’s timing that I take the time to reflect on where we have been on “our” journey, maybe sitting on the path contemplating where I have been and where I needed to go was exactly what I needed to do!  To sit there and let the winter of my soul finish its course, letting go of some pain and hurt I have felt so far in my journey.  Ephesians 4:23 “…let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.”  Perhaps that is exactly what was needed so that my walk with Him would have the renewed vibrancy of Spring! 

As he led me beside the cool waters, I felt His living water consuming my soul!  There was a light Spring rain coming all over me and making gentle beautiful ripples in the water.  I felt alive and my soul felt radiant with God’s love and his peace!

Proverbs 16:15 “When the king smiles, there is life; his favor refreshes like a spring rain.”

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