Monday, March 21, 2016

Knowing Jesus

If Jesus were born today
Would we accept Him in the same way?
They say seeing is believing,
But many then thought he was deceiving.
Would we know who He was by the miracles he led?
Would we know it was Him if He lifted someone from the dead?
Or would we be like the religious leaders of His time?
Thinking He was blasphemous and only out to make a dime?

These questions are important in knowing our true heart
Do we truly know Jesus or do we just know the religious part?
Do we know the man or just the rules of His book?
I think it's important to know our hearts and take a good look.
Do we actually deny Jesus everyday by being more about church than about Him?
Are we more about the rules and don't love people as much as our love to condemn?
I feel guilty sometimes for knowing more about the church and the Bible than the man
I know the history more than I actually talk to the man firsthand.

Would I too miss it if Jesus walked right passed me?
Would I be too blinded to even know or see?
Would I be a follower if He was in the form of a man?
Or would I be like the Pharisees scorning Him because I can?

Who am I truly? A follower of Christ or of man?
Would I be influenced by others or clearly see God's plan?
I wonder if I would believe Mary and Joseph's story.
Would I scorn them or rejoice in God's glory?
Hindsight is 20/20, but what if we were there?
Which way would we react or would we even care?

These questions come up as I see signs from Revelations that He is coming once again
How many will miss the second coming because of their wordly sin
How many who know of Him but don't truly know Him will be left behind
Left to feel the consequences of their hearts having gone cold and blind
It won't work to use your knowledge as meeting Jesus isn't a trivia test
It's about did you really know Him and if you do you will be eternally blesssed

Will He pass you by when He comes again?
Is knowing the truth but not knowing the man your sin?
These questions I ask to make sure my heart is right
None of us can afford to miss God's Eternal Light
So questions yourself as I have done
For the only way to Heaven is through the Son.