*This was written right before a big game in 2013. It was actually circulated around the internet as anonymous as I didn't want to claim my work due to the fact I didn't want to cause my husband any more problems than what he already had. Since I wrote this, my husband was let go from his position but has landed quite nicely on his feet at a smaller school and we can't be happier! As we move on from all of this, it's been placed on my heart not to hide and to not live in a spirit of fear and it was wrong of me not to claim the work. If God is going to give me a way with His words then I shouldn't be afraid to stand behind what He places in my heart.
I Am The Coach's Wife
by Kim Stone
On Friday nights when the
final horn sounds, you’ll find me in the arms of my hero
It never really matters if
it’s a win or a loss where we get beat 100 to zero.
You see I am the only one
in the entire crowd
Who gets to be his wife
and stand beside him so proud
I am the only one who
truly knows him inside and out
I am the only one who
knows what this man truly is all about
Yes he wants his team to
win and the losses certainly do devastate
But more than anything he just
wants to help set these young men’s lives straight
He puts in more hours than
most could possibly believe
He wants the team to go
beyond what they think they can achieve
It’s often an uphill
battle for this man who carries this team on his back
The community and admin
give him quite a bit of flack
But what they don’t see is
the man who worries and prays for his team not to win but to know God
How he worries and prays
for the lost who are so far from living right they won’t try out for the squad.
They don’t see the man who
mentors those young men whose hearts are broken
They don’t see the man who
is a light guiding players through God’s word that is spoken
They don’t see the pain he
has when the team gives less than their best
They don’t see changing
the lives of these young men is his
They don’t see he wants
more from his players than they are willing to give
He wants to truly show
them 100% effort in all is how to live
But the roadblocks and the
obstacles seem to come up each day
Where all he can really do
to help this team is take it to God and pray
His obstacles daily are
more than most would try to overcome
Plus he has all of the
second guessing and undermining of some alum
It’s hard to read the
comments on facebook and all the tweets
Saying how we need a new
coach who knows how to compete
Most of these comments
come from people who never met him face to face
Most have never been to a practice or a game in
the first place
It’s not easy to take the
heat from those who truly don’t know this man
But it’s their loss for
not knowing him and understanding his plan
You see, I am more blessed
to walk beside this man than anyone in this town
I am blessed with a man
who leads others daily to the victors crown.
It may not be a gold ball
just yet but its bigger than that it’s eternal life
And I get to be by his side and see it all
because I am the coach’s wife!