Friday, March 18, 2011

Night Lights

Night Lights are a must for our kids. Right after the kids say their prayers and we turn off the light switch and shut the door, if we don’t flip the night light on we hear a shout of panic “My night light’s not on”. With the night light, they have the security they need to drift off to sleep. After they are asleep, most nights you could turn off the night light and they wouldn’t even know it. Nights when they manage to get in to bed with us, no night light is needed they feel secure snuggled up next to mom and dad.

I can’t fault my kids on this as I have my own “night lights” in my life. I am old enough to not be afraid of the dark but I haven’t grown out of my insecurity. I believe in God and say my prayers each night but just like my kids, I need a little extra something to make me feel safe. Right now I have several night lights going at once, like a job, a nice home we’ve had for 6 years in a community we’ve been in for 15 and plenty of friends but that’s about to change. We will be moving to a new town soon. I don’t have a job lined up yet. We have to sell our home and money is tight as we just got back on our feet from me not working for 18 months. I’ve only been at my new job for 7 months. Slowly my “night lights” are being turned off one by one and it’s a bit scary to not have that security but as the lights go out, I am reminded to just rest in God.

My real security doesn’t come from money, jobs or nice things, it comes from Him. The uncertainty of what lies ahead is still there but I am not afraid or anxious when the lights go out and all I have is God to get me through. Just like my kids don’t need a night light when snuggled up next to their father, I don’t need my night lights when I am resting with my Heavenly Father. .